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We keep performance in focus for your senior living community.

Drive efficiency while elevating resident experience.

Operating a Senior Living or Care community is increasingly demanding. We understand the needs of your stakeholders, residents, staff and guests, when it comes to your dining offer or your overall facility.


Contact Entegra today

Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase more efficiently and get expert support to improve your operations, whether you run a skilled nursing, assisted living, independent living community or are specialized in memory care or other care needs.

  • One of the World’s largest GPO's
  • €38B in purchasing power
  • Save 15% on average*
  • Flexible business models
  • One vision, solid team: Entegra, client & suppliers
  • Committed to supporting sustainability targets
  • Fit for purpose catalogues & distribution
  • Custom contracting
  • Data & Digital Tools
  • Industry specific insight and expertise

*Savings based when compared to supplier list prices

The care sector is continuously evolving, making it more vital than ever to have a dedicated, relationship-driven procurement partner that understands the unique needs of your residents, staff, and guests, and can provide the expertise and support necessary for your senior living community to flourish.


Entegra is that partner. We are aptly equipped to deliver a best-in-class experience due to our extensive knowledge of the market, our dedicated team of procurement specialists who analyze and negotiate the best contracts, and our extensive portfolio of food, equipment, services and supplies.



Start the conversation

Speak to one of our experts to learn how you can start saving on procurement costs today.

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          • 1 English uppercase character
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          • 1 Special character
          • 8 characters in length

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              • 1 English uppercase character
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              • 8 characters in length

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